Pitacoffee has started a campaign to unify Specialty Coffee Growers of the Pitalito area and its surroundings with the intention of creating a strategy that would allow them to sell their own coffee directly to the buyers in the States, so the added value of their effort in doing better processes would stay in their farms or in their pockets.  In other words we want to look out for their wellbeing and better their quality of life.

      Obviously, Pitacoffee has to watch over its own health so that the project be sustainable but our central focus is the producer and their families,  therefore the business would be prosperous and sustainable, the community can grow together and the reputation of the quality of Colombian Special Coffee continue to be considered as the best in the world.

      At this moment, we are representing more than 100 families of coffee growers in south Huila whom through the years have proven to be closely united, humble and hard workers.  That is why we have developed this strategy in order to commercialize the coffee straight from their farms but we make sure we take the decisions together and for our mutual benefit.
Through the different actions we try to reach our goal of incrementing the quality of life of the farmers involved in the program of SPECIALTY COFFEE. 

      Pitacoffee is present in the investigation, to optimize production costs and maximize the quality of the coffee, assisting the producers with our TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM, in the regulation of the prices and commercialization to get the most value for their product.

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